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a headshot of Laurel Roberts-Meese, licensed therapist and teletherapy provider offering therapy for millennials and therapy for lawyers in california


8 Words Therapists Want You to Stop Using Wrong: What to Say Instead
Bipolar, Diagnosis, OCD, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Bipolar, Diagnosis, OCD, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

8 Words Therapists Want You to Stop Using Wrong: What to Say Instead

Words are powerful tools for understanding and communicating. When used incorrectly, they can perpetuate misconceptions, stigmas, and confusion. Here are eight words that therapists wish you'd stop using incorrectly and alternative phrases that promote a more accurate and compassionate dialogue.

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Our Teletherapy Services In California & Florida

We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!