a backlit silhouette of a woman with her arms outstretched overlooking the ocean at sunset representing healing from trauma through trauma therapy with an EMDR therapist in California


You don’t just have to live with your trauma.

a woman with curly hair and a loose blue shirt swaying happily in a field representing someone who has overcome trauma symptoms through online emdr therapy with the best emdr therapist in california

Common Symptoms of Trauma

Do you struggle with any of the following?

  • Hypervigilance or anxiety

  • Sleep issues and/or nightmares

  • Reactions and responses that seem disproportionate to whatever triggered them

  • Difficulty trusting yourself, trusting others, or believing good things will happen

These common responses to trauma are highly treatable.

You can reclaim your life and thrive after trauma.

Our Approach to Healing Trauma: EMDR Therapy

EMDR, also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a revolutionary treatment supported by decades of research.

Whether you have medical trauma, grew up in a challenging home, experienced sexual trauma, faced adversity, or witnessed something awful, EMDR therapy can help remove your triggers and restore balance. A great EMDR therapist can help you separate your emotional responses from the reminders of your trauma, allowing you to live a more peaceful, grounded, and joyful life.

EMDR therapy has been used for decades to effectively treat:

  • Car accident trauma

  • Sexual trauma

  • Medical trauma

  • Relational trauma from abuse or neglect

  • Post-combat trauma and trauma in first responders

  • Trauma from natural disasters & terrorist attacks

  • Phobias and panic attacks

    … and much more!

What Is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is a structured, proven trauma therapy. It has been extensively researched and found to be an effective treatment for PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. The beauty of EMDR therapy is its versatility. It can help you with a wide range of experiences, from medical trauma and car accidents to relational trauma like abuse or betrayal. It can even assist with phobias, sudden loss, and panic attacks. Whether your trauma occurred recently or decades ago, EMDR therapy can decrease its impact and set you on the path to healing.

Imagine being reminded of your trauma and not feeling disturbed at all. With EMDR therapy, that’s possible.

Get A New Lease On Life Through Working With An EMDR Therapist

Get Unstuck From Your Past Faster Than You Might Think

Working with an EMDR therapist can bring about change faster than other therapies. Like with other modalities, EMDR is not a magic bullet, and you won’t see major results from only a few sessions. But for single-incident or simple traumas, you might feel much better in just a few months. More complex traumas may be a longer journey, but deep healing is worth it.

You Don’t Have To Share Every Detail Of What Happened With Your EMDR Therapist

Not many people want to discuss their trauma in detail. In EMDR therapy, you don't have to share every detail with your EMDR therapist unless you want to. EMDR therapy was first used for combat veterans and first responders who found it easier and more effective than traditional talk therapy. They liked that they didn't have to provide too many details about upsetting events or talk much about feelings.

Your EMDR Therapist: A Facilitator In Trauma Healing

The brain is incredibly capable of adapting and processing upsetting things. The human mind is resilient. Sometimes it need support and guidance to heal. Our team of trained EMDR therapists is here to guide you through each step with a structured, personalized plan.

We also offer adjunct EMDR therapy for clients who are already doing talk therapy with another therapist. We believe in strong collaboration as you expand your support system. We are happy to coordinate care with other therapists, psychiatrists, and other health practitioners to give you comprehensive, holistic care.

a woman smiling bright at herself in the mirror representing someone who has healed her trauma through trauma therapy with an EMDR therapist in los angeles

You deserve to feel better than you do. Let us help you heal your trauma and become the most confident, calm version of yourself.

a woman reaching up a fire escape to an outstretched hand above representing seeking help for trauma symptoms through emdr therapy in san francisco or los angeles

What happened wasn’t okay and will never be okay. But you can be okay even though it happened.

EMDR therapist Alexis Bibler explains what EMDR therapy can do for people who have experienced trauma.

EMDR Therapy Can Bring You Calm After Trauma

Our California & Florida EMDR Therapists

Long Term Effects Of Working With A Great EMDR Therapist

… and much more!

a woman in a pink shirt holding her arms and smiling representing healing trauma through emdr therapy los angeles

The Eight Phase Approach of EMDR Therapy

EMDR is an evidence-based, research-backed approach that consists of eight phases. But there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it looks like. Most people hear only about the part that involves bilateral stimulation. In truth, there’s a lot more to it. Only a few of the phases involve bilateral stimulation. The other phases are equally important to effectively processing trauma.

The first phase is about building connection and trust with your therapist. The next phase helps you develop self-soothing techniques to use during processing. The next phase is about understanding your history. Then you start targeting specific traumas and reprocessing them. Finally, you work on integrating the experience into your current life.

Read more about these phases below. You can also watch a detailed video of our EMDR therapists walking through the 8 phases of EMDR here.

a circle with sections for each of the eight phases of emdr when working with a great emdr therapist los angeles

When you heal your trauma, you improve your relationships, your health, your productivity, and overall well-being.

a pair of headphones on a plain background split down the middle between pink and mint green representing emdr therapy bilateral stimulation for online emdr in california

How EMDR Therapy Works

Understanding Bilateral Stimulation

Aside from being a highly effective trauma therapy, EMDR therapy is unique and famous for one thing: bilateral stimulation. In other words, side-to-side movement. This can be done with eye movement, sounds, or tapping.

Bilateral stimulation looks and feels weird, and we understand if some people are skeptical. We were skeptical too, at first. But the science is clear: stimulating both sides of your brain helps you build new neural connections. This means you can re-wire your brain to heal your trauma.

If you want to learn more about the science behind why bilateral stimulation works, you can find more information from EMDRIA.

What Does Bilateral Stimulation Look Like With Online EMDR?

We love helping people process their trauma from the comfort of their home. For many people, it makes revisiting trauma easier and feel safer. We still have all methods of bilateral stimulation available to us through technology. But most of the time, we rely on manual bilateral stimulation, aka the “butterfly hug.” The butterfly hug is done by holding your arms right below the shoulders and tapping your hands side to side. Your EMDR therapist will tell you when to start and stop. If this doesn’t work for you, we’ll try sounds or visual stimulation.

Rest assured, EMDR therapy and bilateral stimulation are still effective when done remotely.

FAQs: Trauma Therapy and EMDR

the back of a woman in an orange dress walking through an arched alleyway representing healing through trauma therapy san francisco or with an emdr therapist los angeles. our emdr therapists are ready to help.
  • In short, trauma is anything that overwhelms your ability to cope. It can be one big, disastrous thing. It can also be a stressful experience that has unfolded over time. It can be a painful relationship or a toxic work environment. It can be many things. What matters is how you experienced it and how your brain stored it.

  • Absolutely, trauma therapy is effective when done via teletherapy. Research has proven this.

    We see some people process trauma even better than in an office because they are in the comfort and safety of their home. After an deep session, the last thing you want to do is go out and battle LA traffic or San Francisco transit. You can put your computer, play with your pet, get a snack, or rest and let your brain keep building new neural pathways.

  • Trauma memories get stored in your brain differently than most memories. When we think of traumatic memories, we feel upset or numb in a way we don’t feel about most memories. Think of a trip you made to the grocery store recently. Do you feel anything strongly in your body? Most likely not. But with something traumatic, you would have a physiological reaction to thinking about it. Trauma therapy helps you reprocess the trauma so the memory gets stored differently. When successful, you no longer have a physiological reaction when you think about what happened. We’ve seen it happen many times. It’s remarkable how resilient our minds can be with the right support.

  • That’s completely normal. Trauma often disrupts our language center and makes it hard to verbalize our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Luckily, if you’re doing EMDR, you don’t have to say too much about what you experienced. What’s important is that you’re accessing the memory and feeling it. Being able to fully describe it isn’t important for effective processing.

  • First, your trauma therapist will get an understanding of how your trauma is impacting your life. Then, your trauma therapist will make a detailed, structured plan to help you process the trauma. This looks different for everyone, so it’s hard to give details specific to you. But the purpose of the treatment plan is to get your brain to store your trauma memory differently. This can be done in a variety of ways—one of our favorites is EMDR therapy.

  • Trauma therapy is effective in the following circumstances:

    • You are ready and able to address challenging things

    • Your therapist is well-trained

    • You feel like your therapist is a great match and feel a high level of trust with them

  • No! Please don’t try to process trauma with anyone but a specialized trauma therapist. Trauma is a complex neurological process that takes a long time to understand. A comprehensive training in mental health during graduate school, plus additional training in working with trauma, is necessary. Don’t process trauma with a coach, app, or anyone you don’t trust.

  • There are many different types of trauma therapy, all research-backed and tested over years. At our practice, we most often use EMDR therapy. We also sometimes use TF-CBT, somatic techniques, and holistic approaches. Your treatment plan is highly customized to your individual needs. If you’re not sure about your plan or want to know more, we encourage you to talk to your therapist. Self-advocacy is so important.

  • We sure wish we had a simple, concrete answer for this question. You deserve to know. But given how complex rewiring neural networks affected by trauma can be, it would be unethical to give a timeframe that applies to everyone. You are welcome to ask your therapist once you’re a few sessions into trauma therapy, and they might be able to give you an estimate.

  • Unfortunately it can. Here are some of the most common situations that make trauma worse:

    • You don’t have effective coping and self-soothing techniques yet. You can start therapy without them, but your therapist should spend plenty of time helping you build these before processing trauma.

    • You’re still in a situation that is traumatic, such as a toxic or dangerous relationship or living situation.

    • You are in a rush to process trauma.

    • You don’t trust your therapist.

  • We’ve got lots of say about what to expect after a good trauma therapy experience here.

a circle with sections for each of the eight phases of emdr when working with the best emdr therapist los angeles

What Do The Different Phases of EMDR Therapy Look Like?

History taking: In the first phase of EMDR therapy, you EMDR therapist will ask you questions about your social, developmental, emotional, and mental health history and the traumas you have experienced. If your EMDR therapist skips history taking, proceed with caution.

Preparation and resourcing: In the second phase, your EMDR therapist will teach you some coping and self-soothing techniques to use during processing sessions, as well as identify positive influences, experiences, and resources that will help you. This might take one session or many sessions. It is vitally important to the success of EMDR therapy and shouldn’t be skipped.

Assessment: In this phase of EMDR therapy, your EMDR therapist will assess which trauma or traumas will be targeted during treatment. You’ll get a say in where you start.

Desensitization: This 4th phase is the heart of EMDR therapy. During this phase, your EMDR therapist will help you process the targeted trauma or traumas with bilateral stimulation. At Laurel Therapy Collective, we usually have you do your own tactile stimulation, aka tapping your arms side to side, but have other options as well. The goal of this phase is to reduce your symptoms of distress so that you can eventually think about the trauma without feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions. 

Installation: In the 5th phase of EMDR therapy, your EMDR therapist will help you develop positive beliefs about yourself to replace any negative beliefs that resulted from the trauma (e.g., "I am not a bad person"). 

Body scan: In the 6th phase of EMDR therapy, you will check in with your body to see if there are any residual physical symptoms remaining from the trauma (e.g., tightness in your chest). 

Closure: In the 7th phase of EMDR therapy, your EMDR therapist will help you develop a plan for managing any residual symptoms so that they do not interfere with your daily life. 

Revaluation: In this final phase of EMDR therapy, you and your EMDR therapist will assess your progress to see if any additional sessions are needed based on your goals.

a woman smiling at her laptop representing a helpful online emdr session for someone in los angeles or san francisco california

FAQs: Online EMDR

  • Absolutely. EMDR and trauma therapy is effective when done via teletherapy. Research has repeatedly proven this. Anecdotally, we’ve seen people process trauma even better than they might in an office because they are in the comfort and safety of their own home.

    After an intense and productive session, the last thing you want to do is go out and battle traffic in Los Angeles or San Francisco. You can put your computer away and play with your pet, get a snack or glass or water, or rest until your next activity.

  • It works great! At our practice, we usually start with the “butterfly hug” method of tapping your own arms side to side. If that doesn’t work, we can use sounds or visual stimulation your therapist controls to trigger the same powerful, brain re-wiring effect.

  • There are many different types of trauma therapy, all research-backed and tested over years. At our practice, we most often use online EMDR. We also sometimes use TF-CBT, somatic techniques, and holistic approaches.

    Your treatment plan is highly customized to your individual needs. If you’re not sure about your plan or want to know more, we encourage you to talk to your therapist. Self-advocacy is so important.

  • Before your online EMDR session, avoid alcohol and other controlled substances for at least 24 hours. Get good sleep, and eat and hydrate properly. Unless you have been instructed to do otherwise, take your medications as prescribed. Be sure you have a quiet, private place to log into your online EMDR session.

    See here for some other ideas about enhance EMDR sessions done via teletherapy.

  • Most people feel a little tired or spacey after an EMDR session. That’s totally normal. Plan to rest and nourish yourself after online EMDR. We’ve got a more detailed overview of what to do after an EMDR therapy session here.

EMDR Therapy Healing Stories

EMDR for Teens

Teenagers deal with a lot on the way to adulthood. They often face some real world struggles for the first time, with fewer ways to cope than adults. EMDR therapy is a great treatment option for teens. Our resourcing-heavy approach to EMDR is effective in helping teens cope with emotional struggles related to social pressures and life difficulties, as well as managing trauma and anxiety. It can give them tools to cope safely and productively for life.

a teen in glasses grinning at the camera and holding her hand up representing healthy coping through emdr for teens in california

Quiz: Can Online EMDR Help You?


Laurel Roberts-Meese, LMFT

Specializing in adults and EMDR

Alexis Bibler, AMFT

​Specializing in adults, couples, and EMDR

Our EMDR therapists have all completed an extensive EMDRIA-approved training course and engage in ongoing consultation with EMDRIA-approved consultants to be sure we are offering the absolute best care.

Other Teletherapy Services in California

Discover the possibilities of online therapy at Laurel Therapy Collective. Our dedicated team of therapists is well-versed in addressing a wide range of mental health issues, ensuring tailored support for each person. From anxiety to LGBTQ concerns, couples' therapy, therapy for lawyers, holistic therapy, EMDR therapy, trauma therapy, and the challenges faced by teenagers, we've got you covered. We serve Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and all of California and Florida. Our approach is rooted in affirming your identity, promoting anti-racism, body positivity, and sex positivity. You deserve to reclaim your happiness and find comfort in your own skin.