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a headshot of Laurel Roberts-Meese, licensed therapist and teletherapy provider offering therapy for millennials and therapy for lawyers in california


Improving Lesbian Mental Health: Overcoming Cultural Challenges
LGBT Mental Health, LGBTQ Laurel Roberts-Meese LGBT Mental Health, LGBTQ Laurel Roberts-Meese

Improving Lesbian Mental Health: Overcoming Cultural Challenges

Taking care of your mental health is a deeply personal journey, and for lesbian women, this path can be particularly challenging. Navigating through mental health difficulties such as internalized homophobia, misogyny, discrimination, and violence, lesbians face higher rates of depression, anxiety, and social stress. Despite these challenges, there is hope and support available to build resilience and foster better mental well-being.

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Respectfully Asking Pronouns: Building a Trans-Inclusive Community
LGBTQ, Social Justice, LGBT Mental Health Laurel Roberts-Meese LGBTQ, Social Justice, LGBT Mental Health Laurel Roberts-Meese

Respectfully Asking Pronouns: Building a Trans-Inclusive Community

Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is essential for building strong communities. No matter what you do or where you work, being respectful of people's gender identity is important. One simple yet powerful way to do this is by respectfully asking someone for their pronouns. Here's how to do so in a considerate manner, why it matters, and what to avoid so everyone feels seen and respected.

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Our Teletherapy Services In California & Florida

We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!