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Your Vacation Won't Fix Anything: Addressing Burnout Beyond the Getaway
Burnout, Lawyers, Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Burnout, Lawyers, Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

Your Vacation Won't Fix Anything: Addressing Burnout Beyond the Getaway

While a vacation might offer temporary relief, it won’t fix burnout. In fact, placing all your hopes on a getaway could leave you feeling even more depleted when you return. As therapists providing therapy for lawyers and other high-achievers, we see the pattern happen over and over again. Here's why the vacation myth persists, and what to do instead.

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Is It A Toxic Work Environment Or Simply A Bad Fit For You?
Lawyers, Burnout, Stress, Healthy Tech Use Laurel Roberts-Meese Lawyers, Burnout, Stress, Healthy Tech Use Laurel Roberts-Meese

Is It A Toxic Work Environment Or Simply A Bad Fit For You?

Finding the right fit job isn't as simple as matching your skills with a job description. In fact, finding an ideal job with great company culture can be as challenging as finding a great partner. The workplace environment itself can play a huge role in how fulfilled you feel. If you've ever questioned whether your workplace is toxic or simply not the right match for you, you're not alone. This is common among lawyers and other professionals, where the clash between personality and workplace culture can be big. Here are some things to consider.

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Reversing The Course For Burnt Out Lawyers
Lawyers, Burnout Laurel Roberts-Meese Lawyers, Burnout Laurel Roberts-Meese

Reversing The Course For Burnt Out Lawyers

Our careers are supposed to be a marathon, not a sprint. But unfortunately, most law firms have a culture of a marathon run at a sprint pace. This is not sustainable and usually leads to burnout. It can be too difficult to prioritize self-care when something always seems to be on fire. It makes sense that many lawyers are burnt out.

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We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!