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How Your Media, Water, and Food Intake Impacts Your Mental Health

How Your Media, Water, and Food Intake Impacts Your Mental Health

Our mental and emotional health is deeply influenced by the things we put into our bodies and minds. Just like how a healthy diet can fuel your body, what you feed your brain can have a powerful impact on how you feel.

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Doable Self-Care Strategies for Busy Lawyers
Lawyers, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Lawyers, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

Doable Self-Care Strategies for Busy Lawyers

Lawyers are pretty bad at prioritizing themselves, unfortunately. But as therapists who often provide therapy for lawyers, the most common issue we see is lack of long-term thinking when it comes to self care. The great news is taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated.

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The Holiday Hosting Dilemma: A Guide to Your Options For Good Mental Health
Self Care, Boundaries, Holidays Laurel Roberts-Meese Self Care, Boundaries, Holidays Laurel Roberts-Meese

The Holiday Hosting Dilemma: A Guide to Your Options For Good Mental Health

The holiday season often brings with it the pressure to host gatherings. But what if the idea of hosting feels overwhelming or unmanageable? Whether you're facing health issues, financial strain, stress, or an overall sense of overwhelm, there are options that support your mental health. Let's explore four options, along with guidance on communicating these decisions with your family.

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Your Vacation Won't Fix Anything: Addressing Burnout Beyond the Getaway
Burnout, Lawyers, Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Burnout, Lawyers, Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

Your Vacation Won't Fix Anything: Addressing Burnout Beyond the Getaway

While a vacation might offer temporary relief, it won’t fix burnout. In fact, placing all your hopes on a getaway could leave you feeling even more depleted when you return. As therapists providing therapy for lawyers and other high-achievers, we see the pattern happen over and over again. Here's why the vacation myth persists, and what to do instead.

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10 Reasons Celebrities, Athletes, Executives, And Other High-Profile Professionals Come To Therapy
Therapy Talk, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Therapy Talk, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

10 Reasons Celebrities, Athletes, Executives, And Other High-Profile Professionals Come To Therapy

What do celebrities, athletes, and billionaires talk about in therapy? Without breaking anyone's confidentiality, we can confidently answer this question. High profile professionals often face intense pressure that can impact their mental health. Here are some common issues they bring into personal therapy.

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The Power of Being Kind to Yourself: Discovering Radical Self-Compassion
Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

The Power of Being Kind to Yourself: Discovering Radical Self-Compassion

How can we stop being so hard on ourselves and start being kind to ourselves instead? Through Radical Self-Compassion. This isn't just about “saying nice things” to yourself or “treating yourself” once in a while. It's about a deep commitment to showing yourself love and kindness, especially when you're dealing with tough emotions like shame or guilt.

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Managing Election Anxiety: Strategies for Staying Grounded
Boundaries, Self Care, Healthy Tech Use, Anxiety, Activism Laurel Roberts-Meese Boundaries, Self Care, Healthy Tech Use, Anxiety, Activism Laurel Roberts-Meese

Managing Election Anxiety: Strategies for Staying Grounded

If you're feeling on edge about the upcoming election, you're in good company. Elections can be a significant source of anxiety, especially when the stakes feel high. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the political climate and the uncertainty surrounding election outcomes, welcome. Here are some techniques to lower this specific kind of anxiety.

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Volunteering As Self Care: It's More Effective Than You Think
Los Angeles, Self Care, Activism, Healthy Coping, Social Justice Laurel Roberts-Meese Los Angeles, Self Care, Activism, Healthy Coping, Social Justice Laurel Roberts-Meese

Volunteering As Self Care: It's More Effective Than You Think

Research shows that most people who volunteer benefit more from the experience than the people or cause they are serving. Connection to something bigger than ourselves is important for our happiness. It's an avenue for personal growth and community enrichment. As therapists, we view community engagement and purpose as essential to your holistic wellness.

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Do These 3 Quick Daily Tasks For Lifelong Holistic Mental Wellness
Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese Holistic Therapy, Self Care Laurel Roberts-Meese

Do These 3 Quick Daily Tasks For Lifelong Holistic Mental Wellness

If you've worked with one of our therapists or been on our blog long enough, know that we would never recommend the same approach for everyone when it comes to their mental health. However, there are three things that we recommend people do every single day to truly feel their best. We are confident that small, consistent efforts over time will have profound effects. If you'd like to see big changes in your life without putting in huge effort, read on.

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Transform Your Life Through 6 Essential Boundaries
Boundaries, Self Care, Healthy Tech Use Laurel Roberts-Meese Boundaries, Self Care, Healthy Tech Use Laurel Roberts-Meese

Transform Your Life Through 6 Essential Boundaries

Our lives require a delicate balance of self-care and commitment to others. Most of us err on the side of overcommitting to things and building resentment when we have little time or energy for ourselves. The results can be disastrous: conflict, exhaustion, burnout, and health problems. Here are six essential boundaries you can set to build better balance.

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How To Jumpstart Yourself Out of Depression
Self Care, Diagnosis, Depression Laurel Roberts-Meese Self Care, Diagnosis, Depression Laurel Roberts-Meese

How To Jumpstart Yourself Out of Depression

Most people have experienced low periods. Whether it's an external trigger or a mental health issue, depression feels endless. The numbness and apathy that often come with depression make it difficult to feel hopeful. One of the most effective things you can do for yourself when you're down is called Behavioral Activation.

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Navigating Self-Care and Mental Health Amidst Layoffs
Self Care, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Healthy Coping Laurel Roberts-Meese Self Care, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Healthy Coping Laurel Roberts-Meese

Navigating Self-Care and Mental Health Amidst Layoffs

For many, work isn't just a means to a paycheck; it's a source of identity and purpose. When that sense of purpose is yanked away, it can be a devastating blow to one's mental and emotional well-being. Even if you haven't been laid off, seeing coworkers and friends get laid off can be anxiety-provoking. Read on to see our tips for the witnesses to layoffs. Your experience is important too.

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Our Teletherapy Services In California & Florida

We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!