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The Truth About Lies in Relationships: Why We Lie and How to Handle It
Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

The Truth About Lies in Relationships: Why We Lie and How to Handle It

We've all had those moments when a little white lie slips out. Whether it's about traffic, busyness, or how good that homemade lasagna is. Lying is part of human communication, and not all lies are bad. In fact, many are told with the best intentions, aimed at preserving relationships and sparing feelings. But when the truth eventually surfaces, trust can waver.

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Dealing With Challenging In-Laws: How Couples Should Handle Complex Dynamics
Couples and Relationships, Communication, Boundaries Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication, Boundaries Laurel Roberts-Meese

Dealing With Challenging In-Laws: How Couples Should Handle Complex Dynamics

They say that why you marry someone, you marry their family. While some in-laws become beloved members of your extended family, others present challenges. It takes skill to navigate these complexities while preserving the unity of your chosen family. Let's explore various types of challenging in-laws and how to communicate with your spouse.

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What To Do When One of the “4 Horsemen” Appears In Your Relationship
Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

What To Do When One of the “4 Horsemen” Appears In Your Relationship

Few things feel as stressful as conflict and tension in our closest relationships. It can feel especially threatening when you encounter one of the infamous "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." These four toxic behaviors can unleash chaos in your relationship if left unchecked. But don't worry! We've got actionable strategies to combat them and repair your connection.

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5 Daily Habits For Lasting Love From Couples Therapists
Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

5 Daily Habits For Lasting Love From Couples Therapists

Every couple encounters challenges on their journey together. The key to a thriving relationship often lies in the daily habits you cultivate. As couples therapists serving major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, we understand the importance of research in this area. In this article, we'll explore Gottman's Small Daily Habits and how they can improve your relationship.

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Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse: Resolving Conflict in Couples Therapy
Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse: Resolving Conflict in Couples Therapy

It’s a scene you know too well: You and your partner are having a conversation, and before you know it, it escalates into a heated argument. You both leave the conversation feeling upset and more distant than before. Sometimes it feels like an emotional apocalypse within our relationships. Here’s what’s actually going on and what to do about it.

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How Shared Goals Can Strengthen Your Relationship
Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Couples and Relationships, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

How Shared Goals Can Strengthen Your Relationship

All couples want to feel close. Common goals for couples therapy are to reduce conflict and improve communication. But what comes after that? One of the key findings from Dr. John Gottman's studies is that setting goals in a relationship can lead to the ultimate stage of connection: a sense of shared meaning.

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Why Teens Talking About Mental Health on TikTok is a Good Thing
Teens, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Teens, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

Why Teens Talking About Mental Health on TikTok is a Good Thing

These days, teens can tap on an app, swipe through a few videos, and find an almost endless source of support regarding mental health topics. While parents may be apprehensive about teen social media use, the ability for teenagers to connect with others about their mental health can actually be a good thing if approached with the right mindset.

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We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!