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Does EMDR Therapy Look the Same for Everyone?
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

Does EMDR Therapy Look the Same for Everyone?

EMDR therapy is a powerful and effective method for treating trauma and other mental health issues. But some people are concerned that it might be too rigid or impersonal to work for them. Does EMDR look the same for everyone? Can a structured and standardized protocol really heal our most personal traumas?

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How to Identify Trauma: The Mind-Body Gap
Trauma, EMDR, Mindfulness, Self Advocacy Laurel Roberts-Meese Trauma, EMDR, Mindfulness, Self Advocacy Laurel Roberts-Meese

How to Identify Trauma: The Mind-Body Gap

Have you ever felt like there's a disconnect between what you logically know is true and what your body believes? This is a common experience for trauma survivors. Trauma is as diverse as the people who experience it, making a common definition difficult, but when there's an inconsistency between what you logically know is true and the signals your body is sending, that's a clue you've got trauma.

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Are You Managing Your Trauma Symptoms or Healing Them?
Trauma, EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese Trauma, EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

Are You Managing Your Trauma Symptoms or Healing Them?

Trauma can leave a wide array of symptoms in its wake. It's very common for people who have trauma to white-knuckle it through life, thinking this is as good as it will get. But true relief can come with healing it. It's absolutely possible; we've seen it happen hundreds of times. But what does it mean to heal trauma? And how do you know which one you're doing?

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How to Prepare For Your First EMDR Therapy Session
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

How to Prepare For Your First EMDR Therapy Session

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a powerful and effective treatment for processing trauma and reducing distress from traumatic memories. If you're considering any kind of trauma therapy, you probably want it to go as well as it can. Here's a guide to help you get ready.

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The Most Important - And Often Overlooked - Part of EMDR Therapy
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

The Most Important - And Often Overlooked - Part of EMDR Therapy

If you've looked into EMDR therapy, you've likely heard about the different phases involved. Phase 2 often flies under the radar. Yet this phase lays the groundwork for effective trauma processing. In fact, we would argue it can be the most important phase. Let's explore the benefits and necessity of Phase 2, see some case examples, and potential ways to build resources.

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Our 6 Favorite Myths About EMDR Therapy
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

Our 6 Favorite Myths About EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, has gained popularity in recent years for its effectiveness in treating various mental health conditions. With its rise in popularity, misconceptions about EMDR have increase. Here's our list of our six favorite myths about EMDR therapy, and the truths behind them.

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PTSD After a Car Accident: How EMDR Can Get You On The Road To Recovery
EMDR, Trauma Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR, Trauma Laurel Roberts-Meese

PTSD After a Car Accident: How EMDR Can Get You On The Road To Recovery

A car accident can leave you feeling emotionally stranded on the side of the road. You might find yourself reliving the accident through flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts. A car accident can disrupt your sense of safety and well-being, impacting various aspects of your life. It can be difficult to get back behind the wheel. But there is hope for healing, and EMDR therapy offers a proven path forward.

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Proven Kinds Of Therapy: What They Are And When They’re Helpful

Proven Kinds Of Therapy: What They Are And When They’re Helpful

Evidence-based practices are essential foundations in therapy. They're supported by research and clinical experience. Not all therapists use them, and some of these methods may not work for everyone. Here's a brief explanation of different types of therapy and alternatives to consider if these practices don't work for you.

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How Much Detail Do You Need to Share in EMDR Therapy?
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

How Much Detail Do You Need to Share in EMDR Therapy?

When it comes to trauma therapy, trauma survivors have plenty of reservations. No one likes revisiting bad memories. No one wants to intentionally get triggered. People worry that revisiting the memory will overwhelm them. They worry they'll lose progress toward feeling normal. They worry trauma therapy will make things worse. And all that is totally valid. But without treatment, trauma can cause a lot of damage. Our goal is to help as many people get relief from their trauma as possible. So let's answer the question once and for all: Do you need to go into a lot of detail in EMDR therapy? Let's explore why, in EMDR therapy, less may indeed be more.

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Adjunct EMDR Therapy: Can It Complement Your Current Therapy?
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

Adjunct EMDR Therapy: Can It Complement Your Current Therapy?

Many people wonder if they can do EMDR therapy without leaving their current therapist who doesn't offer EMDR. You're not alone in wondering about this. The short answer is YES, EMDR can absolutely be used alongside other types of therapy. But there are some important things to know and consider.

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How To Respond to Your EMDR Therapist Asking "What Do You Notice?"
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

How To Respond to Your EMDR Therapist Asking "What Do You Notice?"

If you've ever been in an EMDR therapy session, you might be familiar with the moment when your therapist asks, "What do you notice?" It's a simple question, yet it's not always obvious how to answer. It can sometimes leave us feeling uncertain about how to respond. Let's explore why your therapist asks this question and how to approach it.

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What Should You Do After An EMDR Therapy Session? What Should You Avoid?
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

What Should You Do After An EMDR Therapy Session? What Should You Avoid?

After an EMDR therapy session, it's important to engage in activities to support your processing and integration of the work you did. You worked hard during the session and we want you to get the most out of it. Here are things you can do after an EMDR therapy session to enhance the effects, as well as things you should avoid that could interfere with your processing.

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Webinar: EMDR 101
EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR Laurel Roberts-Meese

Webinar: EMDR 101

Curious about EMDR therapy and how it can help you heal your trauma? Watch our free webinar to learn more and decide if this powerful therapy is right for you.

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Why You Can't Find Words to Talk About Your Trauma
EMDR, Trauma, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese EMDR, Trauma, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

Why You Can't Find Words to Talk About Your Trauma

Trauma is a heavy burden to bear. Sometimes, it can feel impossible to find the words to talk about it. Whether you're seeking therapy or trying to open up to a friend, verbalizing your trauma can be a challenge. There's science behind this difficulty, and strategies to help you unburden yourself by sharing with a trusted person.

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Our Teletherapy Services In California & Florida

We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!